Who's who of the Church in Westbury Park

This page contains information on key people and contacts within the Church in Westbury Park

The Rev. Emma Langley

More about me:-

Vicar and Ecumenical Minister of Westbury Park

Email: revemmalangley@icloud.com

Tel: 07974 658619

Emma Langley

Mike James

More about me:-

Associate Minister

Email: jamfam4@btinternet.com

Tel: 01275 393 729

Abigail Shepherd

More about me:-

Church administrator helping keep everything running smoothly.

Email: office@westburyparkchurch.org

Tel: 0117 973 1562


Warden and Steward Team

Our wardens and stewards work tirelessly across both churches to ensure people and buildings are well cared for and alongside the clergy are fundamental to the leadership The Church in Westbury Park

Astrid, Kate and Mary

are our wonderful Warden and Steward Team and can be contacted via the office  on 0117 973 1562 or by emailing office@westburyparkchurch.org
