Weekday Activities
White Tree Preschool
White Tree is a wonderful preschool for children aged 2-4 years, Monday to Friday in term time.
For more information see https://www.whitetreepreschool.co.uk/
Weekly Activities
Youth Event for Secondary School Students. A great social event for secondary aged children (years 6-9). Meets 3rd Saturday of every month in term time, 7.00-9.00pm, WP Methodist. There is now also a group for Older teens (Y9 to Y12) which meets on the 1st Saturday of every month in term time, 7.00-9.00pm, WP Methodist and around the area for different activities on other Saturdays of the month. For full details visit the website www.henleazeandwestburyparkyouthgroup.co.uk
Sunday Activities
There are crèche facilities available with a variety of toys at St Alban’s 10.15am service. The room is glass fronted looking into the church and the service is relayed into the crèche via a loudspeaker. Use it for as little or as much of the service as you need. The crèche is most suitable for children under 3 years of age.
Follow the crowd just before the first reading at the 10.15 service for a warm welcome in the St Alban’s Church Hall. Join the Sunday Club for a variety of activities such as games, craft and drama. Parents of very young children (3-5ish) are welcome to stay if it helps your child to settle.
All Sunday Club groups stay in church on the second Sunday of the month for
the all-age family service.
Contact: the Vicar – Emma Langley for more information
Junior Choir
St Alban’s Junior Choir welcomes all children of primary school age or just below. Junior Choir meets together from 6.15 to 6.45pm on a Friday night in St Alban’s Church in school term time. Nicky’s teaching is based on voice to voice technique and does not require an ability to read – just enthusiasm! The main aim is to build self confidence to perform.
Contact: Nicky Walton – nickywalton@blueyonder.co.uk
St Alban’s Church Choir
Choir practice is on Friday night and we are looking for some new members. The ‘front row’ ( trebles ) meet from 7 – 8.30pm and need to be aged 7 – 16 years. The ‘back row’ has adult singers singing alto, tenor or bass and meet from 7.30 – 8.30pm. Enthusiasm is more important than ability !!
Contact: Ed Davies – edwardddavies@hotmail.com
Any changes will be noted in the weekly church newsletter.