Regular Services
Note that the times and patterns below are not guaranteed. For actual times and dates, please see the calendar.
A creche (with full audio) is available at all services in St Alban’s.
Time | Day | Service | Location | Description |
8am | Every Sunday | Holy Communion | St Alban’s | A quiet, spoken communion service |
10:15am | Every Sunday | Family Communion/Service | St Alban’s | The first Sunday of the month is either Informal Communion or Morning Worship. There is no Sunday Club on this Sunday and refreshments are after the service in the Church. The 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays there is the large, ecumenical family Communion service, followed by coffee in the hall. These services do have a Sunday Club meeting during in it. 2nd Sunday of the month is instead a non-communion family service, allowing for more experimental styles of worship. |
9:15 | 1st Sunday | Dawn Chorus | WP Methodist | A lively and entertaining introduction to the church for the very young. Highly recommended! |
6:30pm | 1st Sunday | Choral Evensong | St Alban’s | A classical, choir-led evensong. Let the music lead your worship. |
11:30am | 2nd Sunday | Choral Eucharist | St Alban’s | A traditional, choir-led morning prayer, just after the larger service. |
11:15am | 2nd Tuesday | Story Box | WP Methodist | A simple story time for the under-fives. 11:15 for babies and toddlers, 11:30 for preschool children. |
3.30pm-6m | 3rd Wednesday | Messy Church | WP Methodist | Ever thought that Church was too neat and ordered? This is the antidote. Aimed at primary-age children, but very popular with all ages. |
Choir practice is on Friday nights (junior choir, senior choir and adults).
Other events
The following either take place in one of the church buildings, or are otherwise associated with the Church in Westbury Park. For more details on any of these, see Tandem or the contact numbers below.
- St Oswald’s Monday Afternoon Fellowship (MAF) (2.30 – 4pm Mondays, St Alban’s hall): an entertainment followed by refreshments. Contact Marie Oliver on 924 5372 or Roger Holbrook on 950 8533.
- Lunch Club (12:30 4th Wednesday, St Alban’s hall, for those who normally eat alone). Contact Pauline Nichols on 973 0024.
- The Thursday Club (10.30am – 1pm Thursdays, WP Methodist): refreshments, with chat and board/card games in the. Contact John on 942 4386.
- St Alban’s Players (Thursdays)
- Harcourt Pre-school (Mon-Fri)
- White Tree Pre-school (Mon-Fri) –, 07804 269 289
- Westbury Park Dance Centre (Mon, Wed-Saturday)
- Parent and Toddler group (Tuesdays)
- Yesss – Youth Event for Secondary School Students (7.30-9.30pm every third Saturday, WP Methodist)
- Rainbows, Brownies, Guides; Beaver Scouts, Cubs and Scouts (various)